On Nothingness 

After my self-directed residency I composed my research into the format of a lecture with some practical tryouts. The main topics revolved around the following topics:
Re-question, mainly, how is it that I/we work.

What is it that I feel that I need to do in order to work?
What am I responding to/aligning myself with, when I work?
How do I make myself useful?
    In what ways do I feel useful or useless in relation to producing something I can align with machines of verification or market value?
When we take market value away, what is left?
What am I giving continuity to?

The lecture proposed a working proposition/practice in which to work in non production oriented directions.

>>>>>>>>>>>. Read more about the list of sub-practices that emerged HERE

Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5